

Cosmos (ATOM) is a cryptocurrency that positions itself as a decentralized network of independent blockchains based on the Byzantine fault tolerance algorithm, a stable consensus algorithm that solves the problem of visionary generals, which activates the Proof–of-Stake of the Cosmos currency. These blockchains interact with each other through the Cosmos network and form an "Internet of Blockchains".

News about Cosmos

CosmosATOM #41
20 Apr 2023, 13:39
Kusama and Polkadot are one step closer to speak #IBC The testing is currently live on mainnet! 2023 is the year of the #Interchain expansion ⚛️ 🗣️We are proud to announce that @cosmosIBC has entered DotSama! KSM<>DOT testing is live on mainnet, if you applied for the BETA👇 ✅check your wallet for the airdrop of PICA and DOT ✅check your email for instructions ✅join our Discord to ensure you are in the feedback channel
Kusama and Polkadot are one step closer to speak #IBC. The testing is currently live on mainnet.
Kusama and Polkadot are one step closer to speak #IBC The testing is currently live on mainnet! 2023 is the year of the #Interchain expansion ⚛️ 🗣️We are proud to announce that @cosmosIBC has entered DotSama! KSM<>DOT testing is live on mainnet, if you applied for the BETA👇 ✅check your wallet for the airdrop of PICA and DOT ✅check your email for instructions ✅join our Discord to ensure you are in the feedback channel
CosmosATOM #41
20 Apr 2023, 11:08
It's 2 months since the launch of @cometbft ☄️ In this brief time, significant development has happened! In the following blog post, you will discover the main successes during Q1 and an overview of Q2 priorities. Have a glimpse into the future of #Interchain consensus 👇
It's 2 months since the launch of @cometbft. In this brief time, significant development has happened.
It's 2 months since the launch of @cometbft ☄️ In this brief time, significant development has happened! In the following blog post, you will discover the main successes during Q1 and an overview of Q2 priorities. Have a glimpse into the future of #Interchain consensus 👇
CosmosATOM #41
19 Apr 2023, 19:00
1/ The #Interchain is ever-expanding 🔭 The @BuildersProgram is announcing the 2023 Q2 cohort. A new wave of projects is coming to #Cosmos ⚛️ Find in the following thread 🧵an overview of the 13 selected projects 👇
1/ The #Interchain is ever-expanding. The @BuildersProgram is announcing the 2023 Q2 cohort.
1/ The #Interchain is ever-expanding 🔭 The @BuildersProgram is announcing the 2023 Q2 cohort. A new wave of projects is coming to #Cosmos ⚛️ Find in the following thread 🧵an overview of the 13 selected projects 👇
CosmosATOM #41
19 Apr 2023, 15:59
1/ The #Cosmos vision of onboarding thousands of blockchains lives upon our passionate community! To welcome and guide newcomers through the #Interchain ⚛️ We’re excited to share that we are now using a next-generation, web3 native, customer support platform called @mava_app🧵
1/ The #Cosmos vision of onboarding thousands of blockchains lives upon our passionate community.
1/ The #Cosmos vision of onboarding thousands of blockchains lives upon our passionate community! To welcome and guide newcomers through the #Interchain ⚛️ We’re excited to share that we are now using a next-generation, web3 native, customer support platform called @mava_app🧵
CosmosATOM #41
19 Apr 2023, 13:22
RT @AwesomWasm: Calling all coders and innovators!📢 Don't miss out on the opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity at #HackWasmB…
RT @AwesomWasm: Calling all coders and innovators.
RT @AwesomWasm: Calling all coders and innovators!📢 Don't miss out on the opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity at #HackWasmB…
CosmosATOM #41
18 Apr 2023, 13:52
RT @BuildersProgram: Tune in this Thursday at 6pm CET for a Q&amp;A with @noamwithveto about the Builders Program and how developers can move f…
RT @BuildersProgram: Tune in this Thursday at 6pm CET for a Q&A with @noamwithveto about the Builders Program and how developers
RT @BuildersProgram: Tune in this Thursday at 6pm CET for a Q&A with @noamwithveto about the Builders Program and how developers can move f…
CosmosATOM #41
17 Apr 2023, 18:24
Ready to start building your own web3 project? Join the #Interchain Developer Academy and master the core aspects of the Interchain Stack! A 7-week training program to learn the #CosmosSDK, CosmJS, and #IBC ⚛️ Apply Here 👉
Ready to start building your own web3 project.
Ready to start building your own web3 project? Join the #Interchain Developer Academy and master the core aspects of the Interchain Stack! A 7-week training program to learn the #CosmosSDK, CosmJS, and #IBC ⚛️ Apply Here 👉
CosmosATOM #41
15 Apr 2023, 07:05
RT @mintscanio: 1/ Introducing Mintscan 2.0, the next generation data infrastructure service powered by @CosmostationVD. Mintscan 2.0 upda…
RT @mintscanio: 1/ Introducing Mintscan 2. 0, the next generation data infrastructure service powered by @CosmostationVD.
RT @mintscanio: 1/ Introducing Mintscan 2.0, the next generation data infrastructure service powered by @CosmostationVD. Mintscan 2.0 upda…
CosmosATOM #41
15 Apr 2023, 06:27
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Calling all Cosmos Hub Validators ⚛️ A final @Neutron_org rehearsal will take place on Tuesday 18th of April. This is t…
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Calling all Cosmos Hub Validators. A final @Neutron_org rehearsal will take place on Tuesday 18th of April.
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Calling all Cosmos Hub Validators ⚛️ A final @Neutron_org rehearsal will take place on Tuesday 18th of April. This is t…
CosmosATOM #41
14 Apr 2023, 15:03
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain Foundation seeks to be a long-term entity with the mission to sustainably fund public goods. We recog…
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain Foundation seeks to be a long-term entity with the mission to sustainably fund public goods
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain Foundation seeks to be a long-term entity with the mission to sustainably fund public goods. We recog…
CosmosATOM #41
13 Apr 2023, 18:15
ZetaChain: an omni-chain L1 aggregator
ZetaChain: an omni-chain L1 aggregator.
ZetaChain: an omni-chain L1 aggregator
CosmosATOM #41
13 Apr 2023, 14:05
Cosmonauts, @zetablockchain is joining today's Interchain Jam Session at 6 PM UTC! The Interchain Jam is a podcast hosted by @chjango going live on @cosmos ⚛️ Listen to multiple personalities of the Interchain, discover upcoming projects and builders using the Interchain Stack!
Cosmonauts, @zetablockchain is joining today's Interchain Jam Session at 6 PM UTC.
Cosmonauts, @zetablockchain is joining today's Interchain Jam Session at 6 PM UTC! The Interchain Jam is a podcast hosted by @chjango going live on @cosmos ⚛️ Listen to multiple personalities of the Interchain, discover upcoming projects and builders using the Interchain Stack!
CosmosATOM #41
12 Apr 2023, 17:23
RT @cometbft: It's April and we're feeling the spring vibes! The Comet team recently took some time for backlog grooming and house-cleaning…
RT @cometbft: It's April and we're feeling the spring vibes.
RT @cometbft: It's April and we're feeling the spring vibes! The Comet team recently took some time for backlog grooming and house-cleaning…
CosmosATOM #41
12 Apr 2023, 16:23
The Cosmos Interchain Session at Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will take place soon - on April 15th ⚛️ In the following blog post, we introduce the agenda, attendees, and everything else you need to know about this must-attend event 👇
The Cosmos Interchain Session at Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will take place soon - on April 15th.
The Cosmos Interchain Session at Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will take place soon - on April 15th ⚛️ In the following blog post, we introduce the agenda, attendees, and everything else you need to know about this must-attend event 👇
CosmosATOM #41
10 Apr 2023, 17:35
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Bring web2 devs into web3 is essential to fuel innovation and creativity within the #Interchain To strengthen the ec…
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Bring web2 devs into web3 is essential to fuel innovation and creativity within the #Interchain.
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Bring web2 devs into web3 is essential to fuel innovation and creativity within the #Interchain To strengthen the ec…
CosmosATOM #41
09 Apr 2023, 10:13
Watch Cosmos co-founder @buchmanster talk about the inception of the @cosmos, AiB and ICF from his perspective. Hosted by @Thyborg_, @informalinc just released the first 2 episodes of a brand new series exploring their history. ▶️ ▶️…
Watch Cosmos co-founder @buchmanster talk about the inception of the @cosmos, AiB and ICF from his perspective.
Watch Cosmos co-founder @buchmanster talk about the inception of the @cosmos, AiB and ICF from his perspective. Hosted by @Thyborg_, @informalinc just released the first 2 episodes of a brand new series exploring their history. ▶️ ▶️…
CosmosATOM #41
06 Apr 2023, 15:55
Enter the #Interchain The Interchain Developers Academy is back with the fourth Cohort! Master the Interchain Stack and discover the endless possibilities of #IBC Are you a dev? Join the new paradigm of blockchain technologies ⚛️ Apply here 👇
Enter the #Interchain. The Interchain Developers Academy is back with the fourth Cohort.
Enter the #Interchain The Interchain Developers Academy is back with the fourth Cohort! Master the Interchain Stack and discover the endless possibilities of #IBC Are you a dev? Join the new paradigm of blockchain technologies ⚛️ Apply here 👇
CosmosATOM #41
06 Apr 2023, 13:58
Discover how @tfm_com is simplifying user interaction with #IBC From one single interface, you can now send funds over #IBC to multiple Cosmos app-chains. Making it easier for users to navigate the ever-expanding #Interchain Explore it at 👉
Discover how @tfm_com is simplifying user interaction with #IBC.
Discover how @tfm_com is simplifying user interaction with #IBC From one single interface, you can now send funds over #IBC to multiple Cosmos app-chains. Making it easier for users to navigate the ever-expanding #Interchain Explore it at 👉
CosmosATOM #41
06 Apr 2023, 11:00
1/ 2023 is the year that #IBC will expand to new blockchains, including #Ethereum @datachain_en, an @interchain_io granted team, is working on IBC-Solidity. The Solidity implementation of IBC aims to connect Ethereum to #Cosmos ⚛️
1/ 2023 is the year that #IBC will expand to new blockchains, including #Ethereum.
1/ 2023 is the year that #IBC will expand to new blockchains, including #Ethereum @datachain_en, an @interchain_io granted team, is working on IBC-Solidity. The Solidity implementation of IBC aims to connect Ethereum to #Cosmos ⚛️
CosmosATOM #41
05 Apr 2023, 09:54
RT @ZeMariaMacedo: Proud to announce the next phase of our evolution: the Delphi Labs Accelerator The vision is simple: to be the best…
RT @ZeMariaMacedo: Proud to announce the next phase of our evolution: the Delphi Labs Accelerator.
RT @ZeMariaMacedo: Proud to announce the next phase of our evolution: the Delphi Labs Accelerator The vision is simple: to be the best…
CosmosATOM #41
04 Apr 2023, 20:06
RT @OmniFlixNetwork: Fam, we’re excited to unveil the $FLIX tokenomics! Thank you for your patience &amp; support this past year. We promise,…
RT @OmniFlixNetwork: Fam, we're excited to unveil the $FLIX tokenomics. Thank you for your patience & support this past year.
RT @OmniFlixNetwork: Fam, we’re excited to unveil the $FLIX tokenomics! Thank you for your patience & support this past year. We promise,…
CosmosATOM #41
04 Apr 2023, 09:28
RT @cosmoshub: Cosmonauts! Neutron is approaching the on-chain voting period ✴️ Today @0xSpaydh enter the #AtomZone with @JTremback of @in…
RT @cosmoshub: Cosmonauts. Neutron is approaching the on-chain voting period.
RT @cosmoshub: Cosmonauts! Neutron is approaching the on-chain voting period ✴️ Today @0xSpaydh enter the #AtomZone with @JTremback of @in…
CosmosATOM #41
03 Apr 2023, 17:09
Interchain Jam: 2 years, 274 appchains, $178B AUM later, Cosmos IBC turns 2!
Interchain Jam: 2 years, 274 appchains, $178B AUM later, Cosmos IBC turns 2.
Interchain Jam: 2 years, 274 appchains, $178B AUM later, Cosmos IBC turns 2!
CosmosATOM #41
03 Apr 2023, 09:01
RT @Jackal_Protocol: The wait is over. Jackal Cloud is live. File Storage Name Service Secret Airdrop ht…
RT @Jackal_Protocol: The wait is over. Jackal Cloud is live. File Storage. Name Service. Secret Airdrop ht….
RT @Jackal_Protocol: The wait is over. Jackal Cloud is live. ✅ File Storage ✅ Name Service ✅ Secret Airdrop ht…
CosmosATOM #41
02 Apr 2023, 14:26
1/ Today is the anniversary of the first #IBC transfer 🎉 A day that marked the dawn of the #Interchain In this pivoting moment of blockchain history, we look at the future ⚛️ Here is what’s coming next for #IBC 🧵👇
1/ Today is the anniversary of the first #IBC transfer. A day that marked the dawn of the #Interchain.
1/ Today is the anniversary of the first #IBC transfer 🎉 A day that marked the dawn of the #Interchain In this pivoting moment of blockchain history, we look at the future ⚛️ Here is what’s coming next for #IBC 🧵👇
CosmosATOM #41
02 Apr 2023, 08:30
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Happy Birthday, Interchain! 🎉 On April 2nd 2021 at 8:26 AM UTC… The first #IBC token transfer took place between th…
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Happy Birthday, Interchain. On April 2nd 2021 at 8:26 AM UTC….
RT @interchain_io: 1/ Happy Birthday, Interchain! 🎉 On April 2nd 2021 at 8:26 AM UTC… The first #IBC token transfer took place between th…
CosmosATOM #41
31 Mar 2023, 17:29
1/ Cosmonauts! It’s been 2 years since the #IBC big bang 💥 To celebrate we inaugurate a new #Interchain Podcast! Introducing the #InterchainJam Join the first historic episode on the 3rd of April at 5:30 PM UTC Enter the IBC realm with @chjango ⚛️
1/ Cosmonauts. It's been 2 years since the #IBC big bang. To celebrate we inaugurate a new #Interchain Podcast.
1/ Cosmonauts! It’s been 2 years since the #IBC big bang 💥 To celebrate we inaugurate a new #Interchain Podcast! Introducing the #InterchainJam Join the first historic episode on the 3rd of April at 5:30 PM UTC Enter the IBC realm with @chjango ⚛️
CosmosATOM #41
31 Mar 2023, 14:17
RT @interchain_io: In collaboration with Strangelove, introducing the ''ibc-apps repo'' This repository hosts application modules and midd…
RT @interchain_io: In collaboration with Strangelove, introducing the ''ibc-apps repo''.
RT @interchain_io: In collaboration with Strangelove, introducing the ''ibc-apps repo'' This repository hosts application modules and midd…
CosmosATOM #41
31 Mar 2023, 13:41
RT @PolymerDAO: Polymer is thrilled to curate a space for builders to discuss IBC as the interoperability standard in the industry. IBC is…
RT @PolymerDAO: Polymer is thrilled to curate a space for builders to discuss IBC as the interoperability standard in the indust
RT @PolymerDAO: Polymer is thrilled to curate a space for builders to discuss IBC as the interoperability standard in the industry. IBC is…
CosmosATOM #41
30 Mar 2023, 16:35
RT @interchain_io: Hong Kong is increasing its support for Web3, becoming a global hub for the crypto sector. On April 15th, we will be ho…
RT @interchain_io: Hong Kong is increasing its support for Web3, becoming a global hub for the crypto sector.
RT @interchain_io: Hong Kong is increasing its support for Web3, becoming a global hub for the crypto sector. On April 15th, we will be ho…
CosmosATOM #41
30 Mar 2023, 16:19
RT @adi_r_r: some high-level data points on IBC (2022-2023): includes KPIs such as: - number of transfers - USD vo…
RT @adi_r_r: some high-level data points on IBC (2022-2023):. includes KPIs such as:. - number of transfers. - USD vo….
RT @adi_r_r: some high-level data points on IBC (2022-2023): includes KPIs such as: - number of transfers - USD vo…
CosmosATOM #41
29 Mar 2023, 16:45
RT @CosmoverseHQ: We are excited to announce the dates of Cosmoverse 2023 ⚛️ 📍 İstanbul, Türkiye 🇹🇷 📅 October 2 - 4…
RT @CosmoverseHQ: We are excited to announce the dates of Cosmoverse 2023. İstanbul, Türkiye. October 2 - 4.
RT @CosmoverseHQ: We are excited to announce the dates of Cosmoverse 2023 ⚛️ 📍 İstanbul, Türkiye 🇹🇷 📅 October 2 - 4…
CosmosATOM #41
29 Mar 2023, 14:00
1/ Today is 2 years of IBC 💥 Since its inception, #IBC has undeniably cemented its place as the gold standard for blockchain interoperability. As IBC continues to thrive, let’s have a look at major protocol developments and updates 🧵👇
1/ Today is 2 years of IBC.
1/ Today is 2 years of IBC 💥 Since its inception, #IBC has undeniably cemented its place as the gold standard for blockchain interoperability. As IBC continues to thrive, let’s have a look at major protocol developments and updates 🧵👇
CosmosATOM #41
29 Mar 2023, 08:50
RT @cosmoshub: On March 29th 2021 at 8:45 AM UTC, a parameter change on the Cosmos Hub enabled #IBC It was the beginning of the Interchain…
RT @cosmoshub: On March 29th 2021 at 8:45 AM UTC, a parameter change on the Cosmos Hub enabled #IBC.
RT @cosmoshub: On March 29th 2021 at 8:45 AM UTC, a parameter change on the Cosmos Hub enabled #IBC It was the beginning of the Interchain…
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 19:38
Welcome @NoisRNG to Cosmos ⚛️ Nois provides a decentralized solution based on Drand that ensures a fair outcome for all, creating more reliable and trustworthy interchain applications. Unlocking a decentralized &amp; verifiable source of randomness to the #Interchain Randomness for the Interchain is here. Congratulations and thank you everyone!
Welcome @NoisRNG to Cosmos.
Welcome @NoisRNG to Cosmos ⚛️ Nois provides a decentralized solution based on Drand that ensures a fair outcome for all, creating more reliable and trustworthy interchain applications. Unlocking a decentralized & verifiable source of randomness to the #Interchain Randomness for the Interchain is here. Congratulations and thank you everyone!
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 18:39
RT @chjango: IBC is the killer app of Cosmos. 2 years ago today, the 1st ever IBC TX was made. On April 3rd, I’ll be hosting a livestream…
RT @chjango: IBC is the killer app of Cosmos. 2 years ago today, the 1st ever IBC TX was made.
RT @chjango: IBC is the killer app of Cosmos. 2 years ago today, the 1st ever IBC TX was made. On April 3rd, I’ll be hosting a livestream…
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 16:05
1/ #IBC is expanding to the enterprise world ⚛️ @datachain_en is an @interchain_io granted team that is leading the frontier of IBC enterprise adoption, working with Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank and @soramitsu_co to enable simultaneous transfers between multiple stablecoins 🧵👇
1/ #IBC is expanding to the enterprise world.
1/ #IBC is expanding to the enterprise world ⚛️ @datachain_en is an @interchain_io granted team that is leading the frontier of IBC enterprise adoption, working with Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank and @soramitsu_co to enable simultaneous transfers between multiple stablecoins 🧵👇
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 13:43
RT @KYVENetwork: 1/ 🤔 Interested in expanding your knowledge on modular blockchains, @cosmos, &amp; why KYVE chose to build with the Cosmos SDK…
RT @KYVENetwork: 1/ Interested in expanding your knowledge on modular blockchains, @cosmos, & why KYVE chose to build with the C
RT @KYVENetwork: 1/ 🤔 Interested in expanding your knowledge on modular blockchains, @cosmos, & why KYVE chose to build with the Cosmos SDK…
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 13:27
RT @circle: We're excited to bring USDC to @Cosmos! USDC is expected to launch on @noble_xyz soon, stay tuned for details. #IBC
RT @circle: We're excited to bring USDC to @Cosmos. USDC is expected to launch on @noble_xyz soon, stay tuned for details.
RT @circle: We're excited to bring USDC to @Cosmos! USDC is expected to launch on @noble_xyz soon, stay tuned for details. #IBC
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 11:30
RT @noble_xyz: We are excited to announce that Noble is bringing native #USDC to the @Cosmos and boundless Inter-Blockchain Communication (…
RT @noble_xyz: We are excited to announce that Noble is bringing native #USDC to the @Cosmos and boundless Inter-Blockchain Comm
RT @noble_xyz: We are excited to announce that Noble is bringing native #USDC to the @Cosmos and boundless Inter-Blockchain Communication (…
CosmosATOM #41
28 Mar 2023, 08:55
RT @interchain_io: #IBC is making its way into the enterprise world! @datachain_en, a project part of our 2023 funding overview, revealed…
RT @interchain_io: #IBC is making its way into the enterprise world.
RT @interchain_io: #IBC is making its way into the enterprise world! @datachain_en, a project part of our 2023 funding overview, revealed…
CosmosATOM #41
27 Mar 2023, 16:57
RT @decryptmedia: "We came to the conclusion that @cosmos was the better option because we can customize the blockchain to our needs,” @dYd…
RT @decryptmedia: "We came to the conclusion that @cosmos was the better option because we can customize the blockchain to our n
RT @decryptmedia: "We came to the conclusion that @cosmos was the better option because we can customize the blockchain to our needs,” @dYd…
CosmosATOM #41
27 Mar 2023, 15:06
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain ecosystem stands as a hub of open-source innovation supported by free-to-use technological infrastruct…
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain ecosystem stands as a hub of open-source innovation supported by free-to-use technological
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Interchain ecosystem stands as a hub of open-source innovation supported by free-to-use technological infrastruct…
CosmosATOM #41
25 Mar 2023, 17:47
RT @EvmosOrg: 🎥 What is IBC? It’s a fancy term for a protocol that allows different blockchain networks to talk to each other. And tru…
RT @EvmosOrg: What is IBC. It's a fancy term for a protocol that allows different blockchain networks to talk to each other.
RT @EvmosOrg: 🎥 What is IBC? It’s a fancy term for a protocol that allows different blockchain networks to talk to each other. ➡ And tru…
CosmosATOM #41
25 Mar 2023, 08:30
RT @QuasarFi: The time has come! Mainnet is LIVE: Access our first fully functional interchain vault, OSMO PRO,…
RT @QuasarFi: The time has come. Mainnet is LIVE:. Access our first fully functional interchain vault, OSMO PRO,….
RT @QuasarFi: The time has come! Mainnet is LIVE: Access our first fully functional interchain vault, OSMO PRO,…
CosmosATOM #41
24 Mar 2023, 09:41
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Cosmos Hub Prop #94 started the #GameofNFTs 🎮 Join the next #AtomZone episode with Daniel from @irisnetwork to discover…
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Cosmos Hub Prop #94 started the #GameofNFTs.
RT @cosmoshub: 1/ Cosmos Hub Prop #94 started the #GameofNFTs 🎮 Join the next #AtomZone episode with Daniel from @irisnetwork to discover…
CosmosATOM #41
15 Mar 2023, 08:16
⚛️Lambda Upgrade is successfully completed. 💡Replicated Security is live on the Cosmos Hub! 🧑‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀Cosmonauts get ready for the next phase... ⏳It’s time to onboard Consumer Chains! 🌌The dawn of the Atom Economic Zone begins today! 👉Continue Reading
Lambda Upgrade is successfully completed. Replicated Security is live on the Cosmos Hub.
⚛️Lambda Upgrade is successfully completed. 💡Replicated Security is live on the Cosmos Hub! 🧑‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀Cosmonauts get ready for the next phase... ⏳It’s time to onboard Consumer Chains! 🌌The dawn of the Atom Economic Zone begins today! 👉Continue Reading
CosmosATOM #41
09 Mar 2023, 12:08
🚨Attention Cosmonauts 🚨 ⛔️Be wary of scam proposals entering voting period. ‼️Prop640 and Prop646 are proposals that contain malicious links to phishing websites. ⚛️We ask the community to be aware of these new risks. Solutions to protect users are underway. 👉Continue Reading
Attention Cosmonauts. ️Be wary of scam proposals entering voting period.
🚨Attention Cosmonauts 🚨 ⛔️Be wary of scam proposals entering voting period. ‼️Prop640 and Prop646 are proposals that contain malicious links to phishing websites. ⚛️We ask the community to be aware of these new risks. Solutions to protect users are underway. 👉Continue Reading
CosmosATOM #41
01 Mar 2023, 17:00
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Game of NFTs is an #Interchain event that intends test out the Interchain NFTs tech. Unlocking NFT interoperabil…
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Game of NFTs is an #Interchain event that intends test out the Interchain NFTs tech.
RT @interchain_io: 1/ The Game of NFTs is an #Interchain event that intends test out the Interchain NFTs tech. Unlocking NFT interoperabil…
CosmosATOM #41
01 Mar 2023, 15:53
First #IBC transfer between a #Cosmos chain and #Polkadot parachain 👀 The #Interchain moving towards being a true standard of interoperability between blockchains ⚛️ Lately I've been working with multiple teams on building a trustless bridge using IBC between the Picasso parachain and the Cosmos ecosystem. This is the first end to end test sending tokens from the parachain to Stride chain in cosmos. Can't wait to try this with more chains !
First #IBC transfer between a #Cosmos chain and #Polkadot parachain.
First #IBC transfer between a #Cosmos chain and #Polkadot parachain 👀 The #Interchain moving towards being a true standard of interoperability between blockchains ⚛️ Lately I've been working with multiple teams on building a trustless bridge using IBC between the Picasso parachain and the Cosmos ecosystem. This is the first end to end test sending tokens from the parachain to Stride chain in cosmos. Can't wait to try this with more chains !